“I have been using thermography as a method for early detection for several years - it always gives me peace of mind to know thermography can catch even the earliest signs of cancer.”
Is there any preparation for the scan?
Avoid using deodorant on the day of the scan. To avoid skin abrasions do not shave on the day of the exam. Do not use body lotions or bath powders on your breast the day of the exam. Avoid hot showers, heavy exercise, spicy foods and gum chewing the day of the exam.
At what age should I get my first exam?
Women as young as 25 years old can benefit from a baseline thermography scan. Generally, women get their first scan in their 30's. This baseline can then be used as a comparison as they age.
Do I have to disrobe?
Yes, you will need to remove clothing from the waist up for a breast exam. It is important to cool yourself down for 10-15 minutes prior to taking the scan.
Does insurance cover the cost?
You will be given a receipt with the ICD codes to submit to your insurance company.
How long does it take to get results?
The results and images will be emailed to you, usually within 3-4 days. You may print out both the report and the pictures to bring along to your physical if you wish. For an additional $5 you may have the report printed out and mailed to you.
Who interprets the scans?
The images and history report are reported to EMI (Electronic Medical Interpretation). The images are read by MDs and DOs who are certified in reading thermography.
How often do I need thermography?
Your first scan is your baseline scan and you will have a followup scan in 3-4 months. THis is very important as it is used as a comparison to your baseline to detect any physiological changes. Active cancers double in size and heat in approximately 100 days. If there are increased heat patterns and/or vascular changes from your baseline to the second scan additional modalities will be requested from the interpreting MD. If all is stable yearly followup scans are advised.
Is thermography used only for breast health screening?
No, thermography can be used to identify muscular skeletal injuries and pathology. It is useful as a diagnostic tool in cases of inflammation and chronic pain. Thermography can can detect early signs of arthritis, TM, dental infections, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue. IBS, diverticulitis, and Crohn's disease are often visible with thermography. Thermography screening can access heart function and detect inflammation in the carotid arteries, which may be a precursor to stroke and blood clots.